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Rachel De Silva
10 April '90
SAJC; 07A10
4C 2006 <3



Gek Min
Kah Ray
4C 2006
Siew Hong
Nadya Camelia
Choo Yan
Verine Yeo


January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009


Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Scarlet Ibis
The Kite Runner

RSL; wishful thinkers says:
i think the reason why we hate these acts so much is that we know that deep inside us, there is a part of us that is exactly like that.
keedinator says:
RSL; wishful thinkers says:
&the knowledge of that makes us hate it even more, cos we despise that part of us. but we can't hate ourselves, so we hate the character.
keedinator says:
there is a some kind of inhumane root in us
keedinator says:
and many times, it is the cause of dire consequences
keedinator says:
the first time i read it, it set me thinking... hard.
is this the effect of Promos?


10:00 PM

don't laugh at me, but i finally found out how to use "Paint" to put pictures side by side.
i'm such a tech-idiot, i know.


6:51 PM

Friday, September 28, 2007

yesterday was this horrible, lousy day.
really, really horrible.

i woke up to the sounds of rain pattering, not just on the window, but on my pillow.
yes, my pillow.
the ceiling was leaking, so there were streams of water in my parents' room! down one side, water was just dripping from the ceiling, on another wall there was water streaking down, &finally there was a rivulet of water creeping down yet another wall, causing a stream of water that couldn't be stopped.
had to line up 10buckets of assorted sizes to catch the water that was dripping. despite that, the floor still got really wet, so we (my maid&i) had to wipe up the water with towels&wring them dry. it was nuts, i swear.
went to school in the rain, arrived in school looking like someone had pushed my head under the showerhead&left the rest of my body dry cos my hair was still wet. had to meet Mr. Yoong for a consultation, which is always gross cos come on, it's him.
oh&that tree up there? well duh, it fell, as you can so obviously tell. had to fight off a strong urge to climb up the tree like Tarzan or something. i'm nuts, so sue me.
went to study at Marina Square with Neha but i was so sleepy the entire time, but thankfully managed to finish at least a little work before i stopped. ate way too much at Billy Bombers, almost died. but love you still, Neha!
mum came to pick me up, but in my rush to get into the car, i hit my head really hard on the car. if you laugh at me for this, i will whack you damn hard. it hurt damn badly then, &it continued to throb the whole time afterwards. my mum thought something had banged into her car- that hard.
felt like puking at night, but let's just ignore that. just happy that yesterday is over(:


9:36 AM

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

some guys are just total&absolute jerks.
they deserve to just die.

but not all, of cos.
&my girlfriends?
yeah, they're the ultimate best(:


10:24 AM

Saturday, September 22, 2007

bless the person who invented photographs.
bless the person who made it possible to view them easily.
bless the people who are in my photographs.

they remind me just how blessed i am.


8:07 PM

Thursday, September 20, 2007

you know that image of an emu hiding it's head in the ground when it senses danger?

that's what i want to do now.
but i'd bury my whole body, not just my head, cos it's quite pointless (in fact, it'd be worse) if my butt was up there for all to see.

that's not the point though.


10:38 PM

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Natasha Beddingfield

it don't matter though
cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do
you're not easy to find

Is it possible
Mr. Loveable
is already in my life
Right in front of me
or maybe you're in disguise

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why i'm on my own
if there's a soulmate for everyone

Here we are again
circles never end
How do i find the perfect fit?
There's enough for everyone
but i'm still waiting in line


Most relationships seem
so transitory
They are good, but not the permanent ones



11:19 PM

Monday, September 17, 2007

Friendster Adding Friend Spree;
the sudden urge to be social.

anyway, time to reply tags!
in chronological order- latest to most recent.

you are so annoying! why did i ever ask you to tag?? haha!

who asked you to be some nocturnal creature. &if your not at home or sleeping, then put your status as "Busy" or "Away" or something! so confusing.

i so will not do that ok! &you'd better not either. if not i won't share a room with you at Swami Home. i think you'll be one of those old folks that do the whole "Upgrade Yourself" thing, cos you have that weird compulsion to study.

hello keed!(: tag more often ok? it's not very perplexing you know, this whole tagging business. &Happy Belated Seventeenth!(:

i love that song too! but i thought my blog needed a new song, so now it's this one. i think i'm going to change it again soon.

so the mouse has no paws, no head- just a body&a very bushy tail. what kind of warped mouse is that?! siaotingtongkelongpongpong(:

hello Jerrald! please justify why you agree with that statement. what is the rationale behind it? (sounds all too familiar, does it not?)

yah that's true. if you had reacted like a normal person would, then something must have happened. &i love both you girls too! i think i'd die without you two. actually with the two of you, i'll still die- of laughter. laugh too much, can't breathe, suffocate, die.
but if i die this way, at least i'll die happy(:

says the boy who tosses fish in the air, does sadistic things to bugs and runs after Mas with a bucket of disgusting stuff (then slips&falls, but, unfortunately the bucket of all things gross didn't fall on him).
yah asiq, i'm so sure you're not that bad. haha! think you're going to kill me.

DANIELLE! how did you navigate your way to my blog??

yeah man, FB Outing after Promos. when do Sherman's and Joash's promos end? then we can all go out, do stupid things like sneak 1 litre bottles of green tea&6 pack buns into the cinema, climb over seats to get a better one, tell Sherman that we're watching a Romantic Comedy... good times(:

tag more, i love replying!


6:18 PM

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Time took many things from me,
but it can't take these memories.

When twenty-four hours seemed too short,
and days passed like nano-seconds.
Fruit Basket <3


11:55 PM

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Memories are BitterSweet.

they're one of the few things that make me want to cry and laugh simultaneously. there's so much i miss, so much i want to go back to and do all over again.

but i can't.
&sometimes, it kills me.


10:42 AM

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happy Seventeenth Birthday
Nur Mastura Ayu!
my youngest bestie (who looks the oldest, ironically) finally turned 17 today!(((: pictures later, cos she hasn't sent them to me yet. anyway, i love my bestfriends, they make me so happy all the time.

rushed to meet Dee to run our secret mission. can't write about it though, cos Mas' not supposed to know about it. anyway, showed up at her door with her cake-substitute, rang the doorbell, &was greeted by our dear Mas with a resounding "SIAO!"

thanks uh Mas, so nice.

haha! but it's Mas, she's one of us, so she's got to be strange. anyway, before some of her family came over (they're hilarious, by the way), we gave her her second present- a pretty photo frame with a photo of us taken last year when we were supposed to be studying.

sat there, talking&laughing with her family&all- everything felt great. ok but what's important is not how i felt, but Mas. &judging by the message&comment left on friendster, i think she's happy- Mission Achieved(:


9:06 PM

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Studying with Zach
today we invaded a classroom on the first floor.
i refused to jump up to the second floor so early in the morning.
they locked to staircases that led to the upper floors.
if i had, though, we'd have invaded the entire school from the 2nd floor onwards.
so then we studied, we really did!
see (below).
studied&had breakfast&i was nice, i gave him my hashbrown.
but we can't study the whole time. we need to get some form of release too!
so i started drawing on the board, &he followed suit.
didn't manage to get a picture of the Spongebob he drew.

got chased out of the classroom cos they were going to lock it up.
don't ask who "they" were, i don't know.
dragged our lazy asses to KFC.
it was quiet, then infested with BB boys, then quiet again.

Zach in Specs!
&that's his bestfriend's tale sticking out of his bag- he carries it everywhere.
went home, cos we were both exhausted from overuse of our brain.
&after 2pm, we started talking more than studying.
GP Compre to finish,
no idea what we have to do for Lit,
I&R to write up-
oh the joys of JC.


5:26 PM

Thursday, September 06, 2007

hello all!(:
today was a good day with Gautam! studied for a bit, managed to revise some History.
then went to town.
i can't really study with Neha, there's so much to talk about! for some strange reason, we never run out of things to say. Cats&Monitor Lizards have some sort of weird affinity.
ok! photos taken by Neha while we were at Macs. see, i was totally studying, unlike Neha, who was totally being stalker-ish again. but her photos are getting nicer, not so unglam anymore. yay!
ok, don't ask me what i'm doing with my hand.
i don't know.
go ahead Gautam, squish my already small, mouse-like head.
i like(:
haha, i totally sound like Gautam.
&this is the photographer!
yay yay, we're nuts but whatever.
neha; says:
my evil ways are working on you
RSL; im closer to where i started says:
you are SO nuts gautam
neha; says:
no =(
loves loves(:


7:37 PM

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

realised that i haven't replied the tags yet, so here goes.

yes yes, we look cute. siaotingtongkelongpongpong. *rolls eyes*
&i love you&miss you&same for Dee too! though i just met you a few days ago, but it seems like ages ago. omg so like i'm obsessed with you or something.

i can totally get angry with people properly ok, i just refuse to(: i have ignored Oyster deliberately for a long time already k- see, proof!
&they are so not the shortest shorts known to mankind, there are shorter ones that resemble underwear.

yes, tag more often! i didn't know you read my blog til recently, you stalker. &they are not glorified headbands! they're really comfortable shorts. &the pockets are so cute!

Wee Soo Ling you didn't come for the Teachers' Day Party! heard you had some presentation thing, which sucks big time cos we totally missed one member of the ATP ): &strangely, i didn't see Lim Ai Foon, wonder what happened to her.

by the time you reply me, i'll probably be at some forsaken area of Singapore. all hail Asiq the Sleepking.

bumped into you today! i want to bump into you more often can? lovemissyoumasall! must gossip more with all of you, my Punggol Sayangs(:

MIA LAH YOU. anyway, thank you Mr. Schazwan for the long video of the pretty fireworks! &stop MIA-ing lah, at least tag a bit more often, or send email, or whatever!(:

JUWANDA! ehhh we can be neighbours lah, at the waterfront. then when we're old, we will take our walking sticks&go for walks around the pretty neighbourhood&laugh at the little kids being tortured in Punggolsec (if it's still there).
but must be careful not to slip&fall cos it's slipperly everywhere, what with all the water, if not we'll have to go for hip-replacement surgery.

my tagboard for you to publicise your songs uh you? i want payment for giving you extra publicity.

hello jo! why am i a "pokey fan"? what is a "pokey fan"? &i love the pictures on your blog! &i'll link you as soon as i remove this lazy bone from my body, which will hopefully be sometime soon.

you're not OCD. &the world is cylindrical. &just copy&save from my blog. or if you insist, ask from me when you're online. your status is always set as "Busy", i don't want to disturb the plans of my dear OCD friend, for fear of you going into a frenzy. Just In Case!

hello Wong! WASSSSSUP...! *does the whole hand sign thing that looks so damn cool that everyone wishes they could do it too!*


9:38 PM

Monday, September 03, 2007

the fun doesn't end when the Teachers' Day Concert does. concert ends, Canteen Table Outing starts! not full attendance, but good enough(:
first, lunch at Swensen's. too much food to finish after all that Brownie? two people per meal! i think i'm such a spoiler in all the photos, so i apologise in advance.

ok this See/Speak/Hear No Evil thing is so cliched, but whatever.

sadly, Mas had to leave after lunch. so the rest of us decided to hop onto bus 80&take the bus to wherever, no specific place. it was actually a choice between Bugis&Vivocity, but you'll see later where we ended up.
we were gossiping like mad in the bus, talking&laughing like we owned the back of the bus or something. exchanged shoes, took them off, stretched our legs on the seats...
"Dee! what's Qud pointing at?"
hopped off the bus when we saw Raffles City&realised we could go around CityLink. so scrambled to put on the right shoes, then hopped off the bus. instead of going to Raffles City, we walked to the Esplanade!
Haz insisted that we take photos in the carpark. went upstairs after that, &was so thankful for the nice cold aircon.
Vanity Club(:
hijacked a toilet, started dolling ourselves. i didn't bring anything, so i borrowed stuff from the rest of them.

"How to open this thing?"
"Aiyah, come i show you."
"Oh! Chey..."
"Okk, take picture faster!"

then we went up to the Rooftop place, which i thought would be empty- it wasn't. in any case, we sat there chilling&trying to catch our breath from all the excitement from the earlier part of the day.
i think i didn't get out of the exhaustion or something, cos i was just too lazy to smile for any of the photos. sorry! oh&we're also absolutely nuts, so excuse the funny poses we come up with.
i miss them already.


9:07 PM